Be well. Stay safe.

Protect your family and community.

Because Ohio is home, and we’re glad you are here.

Migration is as old as time, as basic as breathing. It’s a simple part of being human.

The Ohio Immigrant Alliance is a group of immigrants and allies working together to protect the dignity and rights of all individuals who choose to make Ohio their home — regardless of race, religion, gender expression, age, ability, and citizenship status.

At the Ohio Immigrant Alliance, we engage in activism and volunteerism that connect communities across the state, expanding our voices and our collective power to make lasting, positive change.

Because Ohio is home, and we’re glad you are here.

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By using this site, you understand that you are not receiving legal advice. Use of the site does not constitute a legal relationship with any person or organization. Consult an attorney for information about your specific legal case.

Ohio Immigrant Alliance surrounded by a blue line on three of four sides, with the word Alliance appearing outside of the broken square

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